Home > Temporary Insanity

Temporary Insanity

April 19th, 2006 at 07:45 pm

It took some time, but my ambition has started to die down. I grew bored with saving and it's so hard to tell myself no. I have no willpower against certain things, which I know is my brain trying to make excuses and justify what I want to do. I'm just struggling because rules are hard to follow and what's best for you isn't usually the eaisest path to take, but I still want to succeed and I still have faith that I will do the right thing. I just get these urges to abandon it all and they are so strong I temporarily lose my head!

3 Responses to “Temporary Insanity”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    sounds like it's time to post here more often...........and read some of the other blogs so you can stay inspired!

  2. Ima Saver Says:

    keep track of everything you spend, write it down in a notebook you carry with you in your purse. As contrary said, post here more often.

  3. mjrube94 Says:

    I would automate as much as you can, starting with a certain amount of savings directly from your paycheck (if possible) or from your checking account to a savings account.

    If you're engaged to be married, I'm assuming you have some big ticket goals to save for (wedding, honeymoon, house, kids someday).

    We all know it's hard, and have been there before are are going through it now. I agree with posting helps.

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